Tuesday, November 30, 2010

30 days hath November...

Well, I didn't get it done. NaNoWriMo, that is. 50K in 30 days. Sounds crazy, right? Well, really it's not. 1667 words per day, every day, no internal editor(s). About an hour or so of typing.

I'm a bad typist. It probably will take you less time.

But inevitably, things went wrong. Sick kids, half days, weekends. It's very hard to get caught up once you fall behind. Next year I'll aim for 2K a day, maybe a little more.

But what I did get is a great start to a series of books I am really excited about. Excited because I haven't seen anything like them. This book just flowed. Really. It just fell out of my fingers onto the page. It was wonderful. Of course, a lot of it is a steaming pile of crap but the whole point was to get the basics of the book down and sorted out and that's what I did. I finally started this book and that's a win as far as I'm concerned. :)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Maybe this time...

...I'll get it right!

Love how I lock myself out of blogs I start and forget the passwords. Fab, huh?

So, I'm NaNo-ing. So far it's going really really well. It's essentially my subconcious spewing whatever I've stored up about this book for years. So I'm working it out as I go. Thank God for Biggby and the fact I can write 1700 words in an hour.

Am loving the fact all four kids are in school at least part of the day!

Will have to write tomorrow's words tonight, since we'll be busy much of tomorrow. Must attend a quinceanera my oldest is participating in. May be good fodder for my writing--who knows?

Monday, April 19, 2010

Just checking

to see if this works.